Pro Tools & Equipment,
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A Universal Electronic Measuring System.
With TOUCH you can quickly carry out diagnosis of damaged vehicles without the
help of adapters. Simple and quick equipment positioning makes Touch the fastest electronic measuring system in the world today!
You can use TOUCH from our convenient cart with
any lift or on any straightening bench.
Easy to use with the help of a simple straight forward software program.
Using both proprietary and Mitchell International information, we have an
extensive database containing all the main points of chassis and suspensions of
thousands of vehicles.
You have the ability to can create your own personal database of vehicles, parts
or whatever you want.
The TOUCH system allows you to measure all the mechanical parts, assembled or
disassembled on or off the vehicle in order to diagnose every single mechanical
Diagnosis and certification printout is easy to understand.
Finally all body shops can have at their disposal
the equipment to be self-sufficient and highly professional. You can check and
adjust the wheel alignment of any vehicle without wasting time.
You can perform 4 wheel alignments right in your own shop!
No longer do you need to send the vehicle out to get the alignment checked &
adjusted. Using both proprietary and Mitchell International information, we have
an extensive database containing all the the car manufacturers alignment
parameters for thousands of vehicles.
With the Wheels Kit you can quickly carry out the diagnosis not only of the wheel alignment, but also of the bodywork, shock absorbers, arms, spindles, chassis, and suspension.
Only with Touch you can and out the real cause of misalignment!
With Touch you can guarantee that the work was
done correctly, and the car is safe.
No other system can give you so much!
Allows you to quickly carry out a diagnosis on a
damaged motorcycles and to certify a frame.
Measure motorcycles without removing parts and to make a diagnosis only on the
No need to use a lift.
Quick positioning of the equipment.
Easy to use with the help of the software
TOUCH Bike Brochure
See a Video of TOUCH in action
See a Video of TOUCH Wheels in action
Home This page last updated on
Thursday, August 04, 2022 08:14 AM .
What's New
Paint Booths
Prep Stations
Paint Mix Rooms
Air Make-up Systems
Shop Curtains
Frame Benches
Pulling Accessories
Super Seal
Roll Door